



Those with this charism are eager to find opportunities to share their faith in Christ and bring others to Christ and His Church. They are boldly challenged to share the good news of Jesus Christ by intergrating faith into daily conversations and actions.

Charisms In Action

St. Patrick

Saint Patrick was a fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the “Apostle of Ireland”, he is the primary patron saint of Ireland, the other patron saints being Brigit of Kildare and Columba.


Available Evangelism Ministries

ACTS Retreats
Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Confirmation Leader
Feed the Hungry
Small Faith Group
Little Flower Young Adult Women
Marriage in His Image
Marriage Preparation Sponsor
RCIA Sponsor
Religious Education Catechist
St. Anne’s Society
St. Joseph’s Society
St. Lawrence
Stewardship Committee
Sunday Book Study
Vacation Bible School
Women with Purpose Bible Study
Youth Ministry Team

Scripture References: Luke 22: 32 Acts 4: 36; 14: 19-22; 15: 30-32; 14:22; 20:1-2 Romans 12:8 1 Corinthians 2:1-16; 12: 8-9 2 Corinthians 9: 5 1 Thessalonians 2: 11-12; 5: 9- 11, 14 Hebrews 3:13; 10:12, 24-25 2 Peter 3: 15, 16

References from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: CCC: 1749-1845; 2447

About us

Spiritual Gifts Inventory Quiz by the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Adapted with Permission from the “Called by the Spirit” Program, Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

Our mission

Helping to recognize our charisms, enabling us to choose to serve in those areas where the Lord has gifted us, and where we will be most effective, and will feel most fulfilled.

Copyright © 2021

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