Those with this charism are endowed with gifts of exceptional listening, helping others to feel heard, seen, and cared for, often leading them to a renewed sense of well-being and new hope. Through the Holy Spirit, they are conduits for God’s grace of hope and mercy, and feel energized by these encounters of love.
Beatified in 1990 by Saint Pope John Paul II
and named “The Man of the Eight Beatitudes,
Pier Giorgio teaches us that holiness is possible
for everyone.
ACTS Retreats
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Confirmation Leader
Feeding the Hungry
Homebound/Elderly Outreach
Jail Ministry
Little Flower Young Adult Women
Marriage in His Image
Marriage Preparation Sponsor
RCIA Sponsor
Religious Education Catechist
Small Faith Group Leader
Spiritual Direction
St. Anne’s Society
St. Joseph’s Society
St. Lawrence Ministry
Women with Purpose Bible Study
Youth Ministry Team
Vocation Ministry