

Gifts Inventory



Digital Communications

Digital Communications

Those with this charism use their abilities through virtual mediums and platforms to inspire hearts in an ever-evolving technological world. They easily navigate virtual methods of connecting, and creatively use digital tools to bring God’s goodness into the world and to build the kingdom. They find enriching fulfillment in digital arenas of ministry, evangelization, and marketing.

Saint: Blessed Carlos Acutis

Teenaged layman in the archdiocese of Milan, Italy known for creating a series of websites devoted to Church-related supernatural events (see links below). As a regular teenaged boy, he liked comics, computer programming, video editing, and related matters. He was known at his school for defending other kids, especially those with disabilities, from bullies.

Available Digital Communications Ministries

Stewardship Committee 

Youth Ministry Team

Church Communications

Many ministries can benefit from this in helping promote ministries and craft various digital media needs.

Scripture References: Matthew 10:27; 28:16-20 Mark 16:15 Luke 24:30-33 Romans 12:9-12 Ephesians 4:25; 29-32 James 1:19-25 References from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: CCC: 788; 799-801; 899; 904-906; 2493-2496

About us

Spiritual Gifts Inventory Quiz by the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Adapted with Permission from the “Called by the Spirit” Program, Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

Our mission

Helping to recognize our charisms, enabling us to choose to serve in those areas where the Lord has gifted us, and where we will be most effective, and will feel most fulfilled.

Copyright © 2021

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